Discipleship Pathway
Small Groups
From our earliest moments of life, we are presented with something incredible! Life is a gift, that gives so many opportunities, challenges, twists, turns, valleys, and yes, peaks. Life is more than a journey…It’s an adventure. We discover along life’s road, that we need friends, people who encourage us, cheer for us, pray at all times no matter the time or size of the need, and yes challenge us to be all that we are meant to be in God’s love. Each of us needs others who love God to help us, when we reach a place or intersection along life’s pathway where we do not know where to turn, who will point us to Jesus and show us the way, that we cannot see on our own. This is the purpose of Johnson Church’s Discipleship Pathway and Small Group ministry.
Small Groups are at the center of who we are as a church. In a Small Group here at Johnson, you can know Jesus deeper in so many ways, be known better than you realize, and experience the full gift of what it means to live for Jesus, with Jesus, and allow Jesus to live through you. A Small Group is also where you can experience the true gift of what it means to live with true friends in community.
Come to a group, open up, share, or simply listen, and something will happen. You’ll laugh, dig into God’s Word, and experience God’s love in a greater way than you expect. Take it from us. We’ve experienced it. We’ve lived it along our life’s pathway and you are invited to do it with us when and how you feel comfortable. We have groups for all shapes, sizes, ages, and experiences as far as people come. You’ll find a place to belong!
No two groups are the same. We have groups that meet through the week on different days, at a time that can fit your schedule, and in a way that will cause you to grow in Jesus and God’s love with others. Check out the Small Groups information on this site and/or call the church office for more information. You see Small Groups are more than a part of who we are. They are part of what makes us who we are. See you at a group soon our friend!
Current Small Group Meetings
For information regarding current Small Group Meetings, please contact Ron Rinehart.